Tuesday 21 September 2010

Other creatio0ons:)~

This is one of my favourite work which I produced. It's based on the theme of flying. I decided to use flys and insects to come up with this design.

  Canvases done for love. I used a japanese theme to create backgrounds and style of the canvas. Materials which I used were Acrylic paints and fineliner.


This collection was based on using a word and producing the opposite image.

Eden Channel

The nerd that I am, I enjoy watching wildlife programmes and find them really interesting. Nature is one of my biggest inspirations.Anyway, while watching the Eden channel, I came across this competition and decided to enter it:)


Win a family weekend with Ben Fogle!

Win a family weekend with Ben Fogle!

This is you and your family's chance to win a fantastic weekend in the Forest of Dean "glamping" or posh camping, hosted by Ben Fogle!
Eden Inspires is giving you the chance to get the family outdoors and explore nature and the natural world.
Watch the video below and Ben Fogle will explain more.

My image.

Blipoint Competition

  These images were entered for the Architecture contest.
If u like it....then you know what to do, Come and vote for me :D

 I wanted to enter this image but unfortunatly the quality of the image was'nt too good so I decided not to :(

I entered this image for the black and white competition for Blipoint.
This image was taken on the first day my nephew was born. It represents the first steps to his life, and the days to come. I think the image is very powerful and makes a statement.

I entered this image for the living nature competition.It meets the criteria of the breif as it is "a true gift for man’s eyes".

Monday 20 September 2010


I love photography and it’s become one of my favourite hobbies. I enjoy capturing certain moments we wouldn't give a second thought to. Some of my photographs are done in black and white; I have a keen interest in them. I think that the shadows and lighting in the images create depth to a picture. Anyway here's some of my photography, let me know what you think? :)~

The first collection of  images are of family and friends.


Collection of travel.




